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Едешь на день, хлеба бери на неделю [Edesh' na den', khleba beri na nedelyu] - If you go for a day trip, take a week supply of bread

Always be prepared.

Ему палец в рот не клади, всю руку откусит [Emu palets v rot ne kladi, vsyu ruku otkusit] - Don't put a finger in his mouth, he will bite off your whole arm

Give one an inch, and he will take a mile.

Ерёма, Ерёма, сидел бы ты дома, точил бы свои веретёна [Eryoma, Eryoma, sidel by ty doma, tochil by svoi veretyona.] - Yeryoma(Jeremy), Yeryoma, you would better sit at home and cut your spindles
Если бы да кабы да во рту росли грибы [Esli by da kaby da vo rtu rosli griby] - If and when mushrooms grew in the mouth

If ifs and buts were candy and nuts; If ifs and ands were pots and pans, then we would need no tinkers.

Если бы молодость знала, если бы старость могла [Esli by molodost' znala, esli by starost' mogla.] - If only the youth would know, if the old age would be able to

Youth is wasted on the young

Есть квас, да не про вас [Est' kvas, da ne pro vas] - I've got kvas, but not for you
Есть-то есть, да не про вашу честь [Est'-to est', da ne pro vashu chest'] - I have it indeed, but it's not for you
Ешь вволю, пей в меру [Esh' vvolyu, pej v meru] - Eat with pleasure, drink with measure
Ешь пирог с грибами, да язык держи за зубами [Esh' pirog s gribami, da yazyk derzhi za zubami.] - Eat a pie with mushrooms and keep your tongue behind your teeth

The more you know, the less you should talk.

Еще рыба не поймана, а уже принялись уху варить [Eshhe ryba ne pojmana, a uzhe prinyalis' ukhu varit'] - The fish is not caught yet, but you've already started to cook ukha (fish soup)

Never fry a fish till it's caught.

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