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И в самых благородных семьях бывают скандалы [I v samykh blagorodnykh sem'yakh byvayut skandaly] - There are scandals even in the most noble families

Accidents will happen in the best regulated families.

И волки сыты, и овцы целы [I volki syty, i ovtsy tsely] - The wolves are sated, and the sheep are intact

Have one's cake and eat it too.

И на старуху бывает проруха [I na starukhu byvaet prorukha] - Even an old lady makes mistakes

Everyone makes mistakes.; To err is human.

И у стен бывают уши [I u sten byvayut ushi] - Even walls may have ears

The walls have ears.

И хочется, и колется [I khochetsya, i koletsya] - It is wanted and repellent

The cat would eat fish and would not wet her feet.

Из двух зол выбрать меньшее [Iz dvukh zol vybrat' men'shee] - They choose lesser of two evils

Lesser of two evils

Из огня да в полымя [Iz ognya da v polymya] - From fire to flame

Out of the frying pan and into the fire.

Из песни слов не выкинешь [Iz pesni slov ne vykinesh'] - You cannot throw a word out of a song
Или грудь в крестах, или голова в кустах [Ili grud' v krestakh, ili golova v kustakh] - Either chest in crosses(orders), or a head in bushes

Neck or nothing.

Имя говорит само за себя [Imya govorit samo za sebya] - The name provides the essence
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