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Хвали день по вечеру
[Khvali den' po vecheru] - Praise the day in the evening
Don't halloo until you are out of the wood.
Хвалилась синица море зажечь
[Khvalilas' sinitsa more zazhech'] - Titmouse boasted to put sea on fire
Хвалился чёрт всем миром владеть, а Бог ему и над свиньёй не дал власти
[Khvalilsya chyort vsem mirom vladet', a Bog emu i nad svin'yoj ne dal vlasti] - The devil boasted to rule the whole world, but God didn't give him power even over the pig
Deprive a mirror of its silver and even the Caezar won't see his face.
Хвастать - не косить, спина не болит
[Khvastat'- ne kosit', spina ne bolit] - Bragging is unlike mowing; it won't make your back ache
A boaster and a liar are first cousins.
Хлеб всему голова
[khleb vsemu golova] - Bread is head of everything
Bread is the staff of life. / Bread - whole head!
Хлеб за брюхом не ходит
[khleb za bryukhom ne khodit] - Bread doesn't follow belly
Хлеб-соль ешь, а правду-матку режь
[Khleb-sol' esh', a pravdu-matku rezh'] - Eat bread and salt, cut the mother truth
Honesty is the best policy.
Хороша верёвка длинная, а речь короткая
[khoroshà veryòvka dlìnnaya, a rech` koròtkaya] - Rope is good when it's long; speech is good when it's short
Хороша дочь Аннушка коли хвалит мать и бабушка
[khorosha doch` annushka koli khvalit mat` i babushka] - Daughter Annuska is good, if praised by her mother and granny
Хороша Маша, да не наша
[khorosha masha da ne nasha] - Masha is good, but she's not ours