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Мал клоп, да вонюч [Mal klop, da vonyuch] - Bedbug might be small, but definitely is stinky
Мастер на все руки [Master na vse ruki]

Jack of all trades.

Между двух огней [Mezhdu dvukh ognej] - Between two fires

Between rock and hard place; Between devil and deep blue sea.

Между молотом и наковальней [Mezhdu molotom i nakoval'nej] - Between hammer and anvil

Between rock and hard place; Between devil and deep blue sea.

Мели, Емеля, твоя неделя [Meli, Emelya, tvoya nedelya] - Feel free to jabber, Emelya -- it's your week

To talk a blue streak.

Меньше знаешь - крепче спишь [Men'she znaesh' - krepche spish'] - The less you know, the more soundly you sleep

Ignorance is bliss; What you don't know, cannot hurt you.

Мир да лад - большой клад [Mir da lad - bol'shoj klad] - Peace and harmony is great treasure
Много будешь знать - скоро состаришься [Mnogo budesh' znat' - skoro sostarish'sya] - If you learn a lot, you'll age soon

Too much knowledge makes the head bald.; Curiosity killed the cat.

Много шума из ничего [Mnogo shuma iz nichego] - Much noise from nothing

Much ado about nothing.

Мое дело прокукарекать, а дальше хоть не расcветай [Moe delo prokukarekat', a dal'she khot' ne rassvetaj] - My job is to scream, 'cock-a-doodle-doo'; from then on, it may not dawn
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