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На безрыбье и рак- рыба
[Na bezryb'e i rak- ryba] - On a fishing lull, even a crayfish is fish
Something is better than nothing.
На Бога надейся, а сам не плошай
[Na Boga nadejsya, a sam ne ploshaj] - Hope for God, but do not be reliant
Trust in God, but lock your car.
На Бога положишься - не обложишься
[Na Boga polozhish'sya - ne oblozhish'sya] - If you rely on God, you won't fail
На брюхе шелк, а в брюхе щелк
[Na bryukhe shelk, a v bryukhe shhelk] - On the belly there is silk, and in the belly - just a click
All hat and no cattle.
На весь свет не угодишь
[Na ves' svet ne ugodish']
If you try to please all you will please none.
На вкус и цвет товарищей нет
[Na vkus i tsvet tovarishhej net] - There are no friends in tastes and colors
There's no accounting for taste.
На воре и шапка горит
[Na vore i shapka gorit] - A thief's hat is burning
A guilty mind betrays itself.
На всех не угодишь
[Na vsekh ne ugodish'] - You cannot please everybody
He who pleased everybody died before he was born.
На всякого мудреца довольно простоты
[Na vsyakogo mudretsa dovol'no prostoty] - For each wise man there are plenty of fools
Homer sometimes nods.
На зеркало неча пенять, коли рожа крива
[Na zerkalo necha penyat', koli rozha kriva] - If your face looks skewed, don't blame the mirror