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Пан или пропал
[Pan ili propal] - To become a master or a deadman
It's win all, or lose all.
Паршивая овца все стадо портит
[Parshivaya ovtsa vse stado portit] - The scabby sheep spoils the whole flock
The rotten apple spoils the barrel.
Первая ласточка весны не делает
[Pervaya lastochka vesny ne delaet] - The first swallow doesn't make the spring to come
One swallow does not make a summer.
Первый блин всегда комом
[Pèrvyj blin fsigda kòmam] - The first pancake is always lumpy
It is the first step that is troublesome.
Переходи речку в самом мелком месте
[Perekhodi rechku v samom melkom meste]
Cross the stream where it is shallowest.
Перо соколье, а нутро воронье
[Pero sokol'e, a nutro voron'e] - The feather of falcon and the inside of a crow
Песня та же, поёт она же
[Pesnya ta zhe, poyot ona zhe] - The song is the same, and she again is the one who sings
He/she is like a broken record.
Плетью обуха не перешибешь
[Plet'yu obukha ne pereshibesh'] - One can't break an axe with a whip
It is impossible to break the butt end with a lash.
Плох тот солдат, который не мечтает стать генералом
[Plokh tot soldat, kotoryj ne mechtaet stat' generalom] - A soldier who doesn't want to become a general is a bad one
Плохая молва на крыльях летит
[Plokhaya molva na kryl'yakh letit] - A bad rumour flies on wings
Bad news has wings. |