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Работа не волк, в лес не убежит
[rabòta ni vòlk v les ni ubijìt]
The work is not like wolf - it would not run in the forest.
Раз на раз не приходится
[Raz na raz ne prikhoditsya] - Each time it is different
You can't expect perfection every time.
Раз солгал- на век лгуном стал
[Raz solgal- na vek lgunom stal] - Once you've told a lie, you become a liar forever
Once a liar, always a liar.
Ранняя пташка червяка ловит
[Rannyaya ptashka chervyaka lovit]
It is the early bird that catches the worm.
Рождество раз в год бывает
[Rozhdestvo raz v god byvaet]
Christmas comes but once a year.
Рука руку моет
[Ruka ruku moet] - Hands wash each other
You roll my log and I'll roll yours.
Рыба гниёт с головы
[Ryba gniyot s golovy] - Fish rots from the head
Fish begins to stink at the head.
Рыба ищет, где глубже, а человек - где лучше
[Ryba ishhet, gde glubzhe, a chelovek - gde luchshe] - Fish seek for a deep place, men seek for a better place
He makes his home where the living is best.
Рыбак рыбака видит издалека
[Rybak rybaka vidit izdaleka] - A fisherman can tell another fisherman from afar
Birds of a feather flock together. |