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Та же песня, да на новый лад
[Ta zhe pesnya, da na novyj lad] - The same song, but with a new melody
Same meat, different gravy.
Там хорошо, где нас нет
[Tam khorosho, gde nas net] - It is good, there where we are not
On the other side grass is greener.
Тамбовский волк тебе товарищ
[Tambovskij volk tebe tovarishh] - Wolf from Tambov is your buddy
Терпение и труд всё перетрут
[Terpenie i trud vsyo peretrut] - Patience and work will fray through anything
Nothing is impossible to a willing mind.
Терпи, казак, атаманом будешь
[Terpi, kazak, atamanom budesh'] - Put up wit it, cossack, and you'll be an ataman
Тише едешь - дальше будешь
[Tishe edesh' - dal'she budesh'] - Ride slower -- you'll get further
Slow and steady wins the race.
То густо, то пусто
[To gusto, to pusto] - Sometimes it's dense, sometimes it's empty
Stuff today and starve tomorrow.
То ли дождик, то ли снег, то ли будет, то ли нет
[To li dozhdik, to li sneg, to li budet, to li net] - It will either rain or snow; it either will or will not
Maybe rain or maybe snow, maybe yes or maybe no.
Только добро погибает юным
[Tol'ko dobro pogibaet yunym]
Only the good die young.
Только курочка от себя гребет
[Tol'ko kurochka ot sebya grebet] - Only a chicken rakes stuff away from itself