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У бабы волос долог, да ум короток
[U baby volos dolog, da um korotok] - Woman's hair is long, and mind is short
Experienced is not he who is old, but he, who's seen it all.
У всякого Павла своя правда
[U vsyakogo Pavla svoya pravda] - Every Paul has his own truth
У дурака долго деньги не держатся
[U duraka dolgo den'gi ne derzhatsya] - Money doesn't stay long with a fool
A fool and his money are soon parted.
У злой Натальи все люди канальи
[U zloj Natal'i vse lyudi kanal'i] - For angry Nataly all the people are rascals
У каждого червяка есть слабое место
[U kazhdogo chervyaka est' slaboe mesto]
Every worm has his weak point.
У каждой медали есть обратная сторона
[U kazhdoj medali est' obratnaya storona]
Every medal has its reverse.
У семи нянек дитя без глазу
[U semi nyanek ditya bez glazu] - Seven nannies make a kid not looked after
Too many cooks spoil the broth.
У страха глаза велики
[U stràkha glazà velikì] - Fear has large eyes
Fear hath a hundred eyes; Cowards die many times before their death. said about a person who sees danger where there is none, gives way to fear without reason
Убыток- уму прибыток
[Ubytok- umu pribytok] - A loss is a gain for mind
Winning is earning, losing is learning.
Уговор дороже денег
[Ugovor dorozhe deneg] - The agreement is worth more then money
A bargain is a bargain. |