Намибийский жук
Некоторые жуки имеют необычную технику питья. К примеру, намибский жук, который живет в пустыне, каждое утро совершает тяжелый путь на верхушку песчаной дюны, где он направляет свое тело против ветра, выпрямляет задние ноги и опускает голову. Капельки тумана, идущего с моря, постепенно собираются на его спине, а затем стекают в рот жуку.
Some bugs have unusual way of drinking. For example, a head-stander beetle which lives in the Namib desert, every morning makes a difficult way on a top of a sandy dune where he directs the body against the wind, straightens his hind legs and hangs the head. Droplets of the fog going from the sea are gradually gathered on his back, and then flow down in a mouth of a bug.
Some bugs have unusual way of drinking. For example, a head-stander beetle which lives in the Namib desert, every morning makes a difficult way on a top of a sandy dune where he directs the body against the wind, straightens his hind legs and hangs the head. Droplets of the fog going from the sea are gradually gathered on his back, and then flow down in a mouth of a bug.
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