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Где говорят деньги, там молчит совесть
[Gde govoryat den'gi, tam molchit sovest'] - Where money speak, there the conscience is silent
The money will heal all the hurts of honor.
Где любовь и совет, там и горя нет
[Gde lyubòv' i sovèt, tam i gòrya net] - Where love and advice exist, there is no grief
Где плохо лежит, туда вор и глядит
[Gde plokho lezhit, tuda vor i glyadit] - A thieve looks in the direction where something lies not properly
An open door may tempt a saint.
Гладко было на бумаге, да забыли про овраги (Л Толстой)
[Gladko bylo na bumage, da zabyli pro ovragi] - It was smooth on paper, but we've forgotten about ravines
On paper, it was attractive. (L. Tolstoy)
Глаз видит, да зуб неймет
[Glaz vidit, da zub nejmet] - Eyes watch but cannot take
Глаза - зеркало души
[Glaza - zerkalo dushi] - Eyes are the mirror of a heart
Глаза боятся, а руки делают
[Glaza boyatsya, a ruki delayut] - Your eyes are scared, but your hands can make it
You never know what you can do till you try.
Говори меньше, умнее будет
[Govori men'she, umnee budet.] - Speak less, it will be smarter
A silent fool is counted wise.
Говори, да не проговаривайся
[Govori, da ne progovarivajsya] - Speak, but do not slip
A close mouth catches no flies.
Говорил бы много, да сосед у порога
[Govoril by mnogo, da sosed u poroga] - I would say more, but my neighbour is by the door