Liubov Polukhina

Liubov Polukhina

  • Kontakte:
  • Email: leela1994@mail.ru
  • Адрес (www): Orenburg, Russia

Zweite Sprache.:


Liubov Polukhina

Привет! My name is Liubov, I'm very interested in teaching Russian as a foreign language and I will be happy to help you to pronounce your first selfdescription or improve your speaking and listening skills, develop vocabulary, grammar, phonetics.

I have teaching experience about 1 year, at the moment I'm working with a lot of nationalities and I am able to find a way almost to all of them. Every time it's very engrossing for me to give classes, see and promote progress.

You are very welcome to write me:
Facebook: Lyubov Polukhina
Email: leela1994@mail.ru


Übersetzung (ru-de)
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