Сегодня родился Николай Семёнович Лесков
16 февраля 1831 года родился Лесков Николай Семёнович. Это русский писатель, автор рассказов. Он писал свои произведения в стиле 18 века и был мастером красочных описаний. Его произведения полны изысканной простоты, которая является признаком большого писательского мастерства. Кроме рассказов, он также писал и публиковал статьи, романы и повести.
On February 16, 1831 Leskov Nikolay Semyonovich was born. This is a Russian writer, the author of stories. He wrote the works in style of 18 century and was the master of colourful descriptions. His works are full of refined simplicity which is a sign of big literary skill. Except short stories, he also wrote and published articles, novels and stories.
On February 16, 1831 Leskov Nikolay Semyonovich was born. This is a Russian writer, the author of stories. He wrote the works in style of 18 century and was the master of colourful descriptions. His works are full of refined simplicity which is a sign of big literary skill. Except short stories, he also wrote and published articles, novels and stories.
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- russisch