Заповедник Кивач
Заповедник Кивач расположен в Республике Карелия (Россия). Центральным объектом этого заповедника является водопад Кивач. Это один из старейших заповедников России, который был создан 11 июня 1931 года. На территории заповедника постоянно ведутся работы по изучению природных комплексов Карелии. Лес занимает 80% всей территории заповедника.
The reserve Kivach is located in Republic of Karelia (Russia). The central object of this reserve are the Kivach falls. It is one of the oldest reserves of Russia which was created on June 11, 1931. In the territory of the reserve works on studying of natural complexes of Karelia are constantly conducted. The wood occupies 80% of all territory of the reserve.
The reserve Kivach is located in Republic of Karelia (Russia). The central object of this reserve are the Kivach falls. It is one of the oldest reserves of Russia which was created on June 11, 1931. In the territory of the reserve works on studying of natural complexes of Karelia are constantly conducted. The wood occupies 80% of all territory of the reserve.
- Wald
- zentral