Ботчинский заповедник
Ботчинский заповедник расположен в Хабаровском крае (Россия) на берегах реки Ботчи. Он был создан 25 мая 1994 года. Рельеф территории заповедника горный. На территории этого заповедника живет 200 видов птиц, 42 вида животных и 14 видов рыб.
The Botchi Nature Reserve is located in Khabarovsk Krai (Russia) on the banks of the river Botchi. It was created on May 25, 1994. It has a mountainous terrain. There are 200 bird species, 42 species of animals and 14 species of fish in the territory of this reserve.
The Botchi Nature Reserve is located in Khabarovsk Krai (Russia) on the banks of the river Botchi. It was created on May 25, 1994. It has a mountainous terrain. There are 200 bird species, 42 species of animals and 14 species of fish in the territory of this reserve.