Музей Циолковского
Музей Циолковского находится в селе Ижевское в Рязанской области. В музее представлены материалы о жизни и научной деятельности ученого и изобретателя Константина Эдуардовича Циолковского, который был основоположником теоретической космонавтики.
Tsiolkovsky's museum is situated in the village Izhevsk in the Ryazan region. Materials about life and scientific activity of the scientist and the inventor Konstantin Eduardovich Tsiolkovsky who was a founder of theoretical astronautics are presented in the museum.
Tsiolkovsky's museum is situated in the village Izhevsk in the Ryazan region. Materials about life and scientific activity of the scientist and the inventor Konstantin Eduardovich Tsiolkovsky who was a founder of theoretical astronautics are presented in the museum.
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