Растение миндаль принадлежит роду Слива. Миндаль часто считается орехом, но на самом деле это плод с косточкой. Существуют сладкие и горькие сорта миндаля. Миндаль выращивается в области Средиземноморья, в Китае и в Америке, в Словакии и Чехии. Миндаль богат жирным маслом, растительным белком, витаминами группы В, Е, а также минералами. Миндаль используется для приготовления ликеров и десертов, в парфюмерии и косметологии.
The plant almond belongs to the Plum sort. Almonds are often considered as a nut, but actually it is a fetus with an ossicle. There are sweet and bitter sorts of almonds. Almonds are grown up in the field of the Mediterranean, in China and in America, in Slovakia and the Czech Republic. Almond is rich with fat oil, vegetable protein, vitamins of group B, E, and also minerals. Almond is used for preparation of liqueurs and desserts, in perfumery and in cosmetology.
The plant almond belongs to the Plum sort. Almonds are often considered as a nut, but actually it is a fetus with an ossicle. There are sweet and bitter sorts of almonds. Almonds are grown up in the field of the Mediterranean, in China and in America, in Slovakia and the Czech Republic. Almond is rich with fat oil, vegetable protein, vitamins of group B, E, and also minerals. Almond is used for preparation of liqueurs and desserts, in perfumery and in cosmetology.
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