Зимние салаты
Зимой салаты не менее важны для нашего организма, чем летом. Несмотря на то, что натуральных фруктов и овощей зимой мало, можно найти полезные зимние фрукты и овощи, богатые витаминами, микроэлементами и аминокислотами. Это такие овощи как свекла, тыква, пастернак, редька, лук, морковь и такие фрукты как цитрусовые, киви, гранат и бананы.
In winter salads aren't less important for our organism, than in summer. In spite of the fact that there are not enough natural fruit and vegetables in winter, it is possible to find useful winter fruit and vegetables, rich in vitamins, minerals and amino acids. These are such vegetables as beet, pumpkin, parsnip, radish, onions, carrots and such fruit as a citrus, kiwi, persimmon, pomegranate and banana.
In winter salads aren't less important for our organism, than in summer. In spite of the fact that there are not enough natural fruit and vegetables in winter, it is possible to find useful winter fruit and vegetables, rich in vitamins, minerals and amino acids. These are such vegetables as beet, pumpkin, parsnip, radish, onions, carrots and such fruit as a citrus, kiwi, persimmon, pomegranate and banana.
- Obst
- Salat
- Gemüse
- trotz, abgesehen davon
- finden
- Karotten
- im Sommer
- im winter
- nützlich
- reich