Собака Чехословацкий влчак
Чехословацкий влчак - это относительно молодая порода собак, возникшая в результате эксперимента, проведенного в 1955 году в Чехословакии в результате скрещивания немецких овчарок и карпатских волков. Целью эксперимента было создание породы с темпераментом, инстинктом и обучаемостью немецкой овчарки, а также и силой и выносливостью карпатского волка. Собаки этой породы используются в войсковых спецоперациях, в поисково-спасательной и защитно-караульной службе, для охоты и спортивных соревнований.
Czechoslovakian Wolfdog is a rather young breed of dog which has resulted from the experiment made in 1955 in Czechoslovakia as a result of crossing of German shepherds and Carpathian wolves. Creation of breed with temperament, instinct and learning ability of German shepherd, as well as force and endurance of Carpathian wolf was the purpose of the experiment. Dogs of this breed are used in army special operations, in search and rescue and protective guard duty, for hunting and sports competitions.
Czechoslovakian Wolfdog is a rather young breed of dog which has resulted from the experiment made in 1955 in Czechoslovakia as a result of crossing of German shepherds and Carpathian wolves. Creation of breed with temperament, instinct and learning ability of German shepherd, as well as force and endurance of Carpathian wolf was the purpose of the experiment. Dogs of this breed are used in army special operations, in search and rescue and protective guard duty, for hunting and sports competitions.
- Ergebnis
- experiment
- sportlich
- Hund
- deutsch