Отбойный молоток
Отбойный молоток - это пневматический или электромеханический инструмент, который объединяет молоток с долотом. Он был изобретено Уильямом Макриви, который продал патент Чарльзу Брейди Кингу. Пневматические дрели были разработаны в ответ на потребности горной промышленности, карьерных работ, раскопок и туннелирования.
A jackhammer is a pneumatic or electro-mechanical tool that combines a hammer with a chisel. It was invented by William Mcreavy who then sold the patent to Charles Brady King. Pneumatic drills were developed in response to the needs of mining, quarrying, excavating, and tunneling.
A jackhammer is a pneumatic or electro-mechanical tool that combines a hammer with a chisel. It was invented by William Mcreavy who then sold the patent to Charles Brady King. Pneumatic drills were developed in response to the needs of mining, quarrying, excavating, and tunneling.
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