Сегодня родился Буслаев Фёдор Иванович
25 апреля 1818 года родился Буслаев Фёдор Иванович. Это российский лингвист, фольклорист, историк литературы и искусства, глава русской мифологической школы, основоположник научного изучения русской народной словесности. Фёдор Буслаев написал «Историческую грамматику русского языка» и стал первым изучать стили литературы и стили изобразительного искусства.
On April 25, 1818 Buslayev Fyodor Ivanovich was born. This is a Russian linguist, a specialist in folklore, a historian of literature and art, the head of the Russian mythological school, a founder of scientific studying of the Russian national literature. Fyodor Buslayev has written "Historical grammar of Russian" and the first began to study styles of literature and styles of the fine arts.
On April 25, 1818 Buslayev Fyodor Ivanovich was born. This is a Russian linguist, a specialist in folklore, a historian of literature and art, the head of the Russian mythological school, a founder of scientific studying of the Russian national literature. Fyodor Buslayev has written "Historical grammar of Russian" and the first began to study styles of literature and styles of the fine arts.
- studieren
- Literatur
- Kunst
- studium
- Grammatik