Александр Вельтман
18 июля 1800 года родился Александр Вельтман, российский лингвист, археолог и писатель. Он стал родоначальником жанра исторического фэнтези, когда впервые в литературе применил прием путешествия во времени. Вельтман был популярен своим историческим романом "Странник", а также сказочными романами "Кощей Бессмертный. Былины старого времени", "Новый Емеля, или Превращения" и многими другими. Писатель умер в 1870 году.
On July 18, 1800 was born Alexander Veltman, the Russian linguist, archeologist and writer. He became the founder of a literature genre "historical fantasy" when for the first time in literature he applied a method of travel in time. Weltman was popular by his historical novel "Wanderer", and also fantastic novels "Koschei the Immortal. Bylinas of old time", "New Emelya, or Transformations" and many others. The writer died in 1870.
On July 18, 1800 was born Alexander Veltman, the Russian linguist, archeologist and writer. He became the founder of a literature genre "historical fantasy" when for the first time in literature he applied a method of travel in time. Weltman was popular by his historical novel "Wanderer", and also fantastic novels "Koschei the Immortal. Bylinas of old time", "New Emelya, or Transformations" and many others. The writer died in 1870.
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