Сегодня родился Граве Дмитрий Александрович
6 сентября 1863 года родился Граве Дмитрий Александрович. Это русский и советский математик, создатель первой крупной русской математической школы, академик АН УССР (1919), почётный член АН СССР (1929). За 55 лет научной деятельности Дмитрий Александрович Граве опубликовал около 180 научных работ и написал большое количество учебников по математике. Он работал в области прикладной математики и механики.
On September 6, 1863 Grave Dmitry Aleksandrovich was born. He is Russian and the Soviet mathematician, the founder of the first great Russian mathematical school, the academician of AN of USSR (1919), the honorary member of Academy of Sciences of the USSR (1929). In 55 years of scientific activity Dmitry Aleksandrovich Grave published about 180 scientific works and wrote a large number of textbooks on mathematics. He worked with applied mathematics and mechanics.
On September 6, 1863 Grave Dmitry Aleksandrovich was born. He is Russian and the Soviet mathematician, the founder of the first great Russian mathematical school, the academician of AN of USSR (1919), the honorary member of Academy of Sciences of the USSR (1929). In 55 years of scientific activity Dmitry Aleksandrovich Grave published about 180 scientific works and wrote a large number of textbooks on mathematics. He worked with applied mathematics and mechanics.
- Mathematiker
- Lehrbuch
- wissenschaftlich