В мире существует много разных видов лис. Это довольно привлекательный хищник размером с небольшую собаку. Лисы имеют симпатичную морду, а их мех представляет большую ценность. Лисица весьма хорошо приспосабливается к окружающей среде. Лисицы, которые обитают на севере, имеют более пушистый и густой мех, к тому же они крупнее тех лисиц, которые живут на юге. Лисы весьма ловкие, резвые, а также хитрые звери. Они бегают значительно быстрее собак. Лисица способна запутывать следы и прибегать к различным уловкам, добывая себе еду. Лисы довольно сообразительные животные. У них острый слух, отличное обоняние и замечательная память.
In the world there are many different types of foxes. It is a quite attractive predator of the size of a small dog. Foxes have a nice muzzle and their fur is very expensive. Fox adapts to environment very well. Foxes that live in north have more fluffy and dense fur and they are larger than those foxes who live in the south. Foxes are very deft, quick, and also cunning animals. They run much quicker than dogs. Fox is able to foul the trail and to make various tricks getting food. Foxes are quite bright animals. They have a delicate ear, excellent sense of smell and remarkable memory.
In the world there are many different types of foxes. It is a quite attractive predator of the size of a small dog. Foxes have a nice muzzle and their fur is very expensive. Fox adapts to environment very well. Foxes that live in north have more fluffy and dense fur and they are larger than those foxes who live in the south. Foxes are very deft, quick, and also cunning animals. They run much quicker than dogs. Fox is able to foul the trail and to make various tricks getting food. Foxes are quite bright animals. They have a delicate ear, excellent sense of smell and remarkable memory.
- Nord
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- viel
- dick
- sympathisch
- Hund