Вышло первое издание "Винни-Пуха"
14 октября 1926 года вышло первое издание детской книги "Винни-Пух". Автором этого собрания детских рифмованных повестей и рассказов о забавном медведе был английский писатель Алан Александр Милн. Писатель начал сочинять истории про Винни-Пуха для своего сына Кристофера, который подружился в зоопарке с медведицей по имени Виннипег. Так и родились известные всем веселые рассказы про медведя. Впоследствии "Винни-Пух" был переведен на русский язык советским поэтом Борисом Заходер, а позднее киностудия "Союзмультфильм" сняла серию мультфильмов про Винни-Пуха. Благодаря этому мишка Винни прославился во всем СССР и стал одним из самых любимых героев детей.
On October 14, 1926 the first edition of the children's book "Winnie-the-Pooh" was published. The English writer Alan Alexander Milne was the author of this collection of children's rhymed stories about amusing bear. The writer started composing stories about Winnie-the-Pooh for his son Christopher who made friends in a zoo with a she-bear by the name of Winnipeg. In this way cheerful stories known for all about a bear were born. Subsequently "Winnie-the-Pooh" was translated into Russian by a Soviet poet Boris Zakhoder, and later the film studio "Soyuzmultfilm" made a series of animated films about Winnie-the-Pooh. Due to this bear Winnie became famous in all USSR and became one of the most favourite heroes of children.
On October 14, 1926 the first edition of the children's book "Winnie-the-Pooh" was published. The English writer Alan Alexander Milne was the author of this collection of children's rhymed stories about amusing bear. The writer started composing stories about Winnie-the-Pooh for his son Christopher who made friends in a zoo with a she-bear by the name of Winnipeg. In this way cheerful stories known for all about a bear were born. Subsequently "Winnie-the-Pooh" was translated into Russian by a Soviet poet Boris Zakhoder, and later the film studio "Soyuzmultfilm" made a series of animated films about Winnie-the-Pooh. Due to this bear Winnie became famous in all USSR and became one of the most favourite heroes of children.
- Erzählung
- Schriftsteller
- Zeichentrickfilm
- Zoo
- Boris
- Autor
- Bär
- geliebt
- kindlich
- bekannt
- erzählen
- lustig
- Geschichte