Запуск "Луна-23"
28 октября 1974 года была запущена советская автоматическая межпланетная станция "Луна-23". Она была запущена при помощи ракеты-носителя "Протон" с целью изучения Луны и космического пространства. Запуск осуществлялся с космодрома "Байконур", расположенном в Казахстане. "Луна-23" имела возвращаемый аппарат на борту. Станция успешно вышла на орбиту Луны 1 ноября.
On October 28, 1974 the Soviet automatic interplanetary station "Luna-23" was launched. It was launched by rocket "Proton" for the purpose of studying of the Moon and a space. The launch was carried out from the Baikonur spaceport, located in Kazakhstan. The "Moon-23" had the returned device onboard. The station successfully orbited the Moon on November 1.
On October 28, 1974 the Soviet automatic interplanetary station "Luna-23" was launched. It was launched by rocket "Proton" for the purpose of studying of the Moon and a space. The launch was carried out from the Baikonur spaceport, located in Kazakhstan. The "Moon-23" had the returned device onboard. The station successfully orbited the Moon on November 1.
- Station
- Kasachstan
- kosmisch