Сегодня родился Гуревич Михаил Иосифович
12 января 1893 года родился Гуревич Михаил Иосифович. Это выдающийся советский инженер-авиаконструктор. Он учился в Университете Монпелье во Франции и на самолетостроительном факультете Харьковского технологического института. Затем он работал инженером-конструктором и занимался конструированием и постройкой планёров. В годы войны участвовал в создании опытных самолётов, после войны — в разработке скоростных и сверхзвуковых фронтовых истребителей, многие из которых длительное время изготовлялись большими сериями и находились на вооружении ВВС СССР.
On January 12, 1893 Gurevich Mikhail Iosifovich was born. This is an outstanding Soviet engineer-aircraft designer. He studied at Montpellier University in France and at aircraft constructing faculty of the Kharkov institute of technology. Then he worked as a design engineer and was engaged in designing and construction of gliders. In the years of war he participated in creation of experimental aircraft, after war he was engaged in development of high-speed and supersonic front fighters, many of which a long time were produced by big series and were on arms of the Air Force of the USSR.
On January 12, 1893 Gurevich Mikhail Iosifovich was born. This is an outstanding Soviet engineer-aircraft designer. He studied at Montpellier University in France and at aircraft constructing faculty of the Kharkov institute of technology. Then he worked as a design engineer and was engaged in designing and construction of gliders. In the years of war he participated in creation of experimental aircraft, after war he was engaged in development of high-speed and supersonic front fighters, many of which a long time were produced by big series and were on arms of the Air Force of the USSR.
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