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У черта на куличиках
[u cherta na kulichikakh]
- off the beaten track
What it means: very far, no one knows where, right off the map. An expression is used when someone lives or something is too far away.
Убивать время
[ubivat` vremya]
- to kill time
What it means: to waste time, to occupy yourself with some minor chores while waiting for something more important.
Убивать двух зайцев
[ubivat` dvukh zajtsev]
- to kill two birds with one stone
What it means: simultaneously to achieve two different purposes, to carry out two things.
Ударять в голову
[udaryat` v golovu]
- to knock somebody for a goal
What it means: to intoxicate, to lead someone to affective state, to result in an unusual state of mind
Уехать в Тулу со своим самоваром
[uekhat` v tulu so svoim samovarom]
- don't bring coals to Newcastle
What it means: to do something senseless, unnecessary, to perform something pointless.
Указывать на дверь
[ukazyvat` na dver`]
- to show the door
What it means: turn someone out, to drive someone out, to refuse to listen to someone.
Улыбаться во весь рот
[ulybat`sya vo ves` rot]
- to grin like a Cheshire cat
What it means: to be very happy, to glow with happiness.
Умывать руки
[umyvat` ruki]
- to wash one's hands of something
What it means: to decline all responsibility under the influence of external factors; to stop doing correct from your point of view action, submitting to the majority or the management, but remaining discordant with it.
Уничтожать в зародыше
[unichtozhat` v zarodyshe]
- to nip in the bud
What it means: to solve the problem at an early stage, without letting it get worse.
Упрямый как осёл
[upryamyj kak osyol]
- to be as stubborn as a mule
What it means: too stubborn, self-willed. It is said about a person who does not listen to other people's pieces of advice and does everything in his own way
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