The purpose of the tests in this section is to help you to learn new words. Every test has its own set of words. The test includes three modes: learning mode, checking mode and memorizing mode. Quick transition between modes at any time can be carried out through its selection in the top line of buttons.

“Learning” mode
In the "Learning" mode you will be offered to remember a few words. You will listen to an audio file which records and shows the pronunciation of a word and will see a picture explaning its meaning. Audio can be played repeatedly by pressing the icon. Time for memorizing a word is unlimited, and the transition to the next word can be done at any convenient time by pressing the "next" button. The total amount of words in the test and the number of current words are over a picture. Transition to the next mode "Checking" occurs automatically after all the words.
“Checking” mode
In the "Cheking" mode you need to choose the right word among three variants which correspond to a spoken word. As clues you are given a picture, explaining the meaning. Transition to the next word is possible only when a correct answer is given. Transition to the next mode "memorizing" occurs automatically after all the words.

“Memorizing” mode
"Memorizing" mode is similar to the "Learning", but the picture which illustrates the meaning of the word is not shown. Transition to the next word is possible only when a correct answer is given.

All the results obtained in the "Memorizing" mode are in the final table. Words marked with red color in the table of results mean that you made a mistake when selected them in “Memorizing” mode. When you click "start the test again," you will be transfered to the mode "Learning" and statistics will be nulled
The table shows the results of the test in the “Memorizing” mode. Words in which you made mistakes are marked in red color in the table. Words which you chose correctly are green.

The button resets the number of words that you have seen in this section.