Бабушкины сказки
[babushkiny skazki]
- old wives' tales
What it means:
nonsense, tale, balderdash, drool, fantasies, fish story, fairytale.
Бальзам на душу
[bal`zam na dushu]
- to be a sight for sore eyes
What it means:
something pleasant, anodyne, long-awaited, joy or pacification from allaied anxiety, agitation.
Бедный как церковная крыса
[bednyj kak tserkovnaya krysa]
- poor as a church mouse
What it means:
a beggar, needy, an almsman, a vagabond.
Без всякого преувеличения
[bez vsyakogo preuvelicheniya]
- to say the least
What it means:
as it is, in its true colours, objectively.
Без обиняков
[bez obinyakov]
- in plain English
What it means:
without ceremony, straitforward, as it is, properly speaking.
Бить баклуши
[bit` baklushi]
- to idle around
What it means:
to do nothing, to lounge, to idle away one's time, to pass the time in indolence.
Бить в цель
[bit` v tsel`]
- to hit home
What it means:
to hit the nail on the head, to achieve an excellent result, to succeed.
Бить мимо цели
[bit` mimo tseli]
- to miss the mark
What it means:
to fluff, to mull, to miss, off the mark, on the bow hand.
Бить ниже пояса
[bit` nizhe poyasa]
- to strike at defects
What it means:
to use sucker punches for reaching one’s goal.
Биться головой о стену
[bit`sya golovoj o stenu]
- to beat one's head against a brick wall
What it means:
to persevere something by any and all methods, overcoming real challenges and obstacles.