Давать волю
[davat` volyu]
- to give free rein to something
What it means:
to stop to control one’s feelings or emotions, to allow free play to some emotion.
Давать выход
[davat` vykhod]
- to let off steam
What it means:
to stop to control one’s feelings or emotions, to allow free play to some emotion.
Давать жару
[davat` zharu]
- to dish out
What it means:
to get excited, to approve oneself in something very actively.
Давать на лапу
[davat` na lapu]
- to kick back
What it means:
to give a bribe, to corrupt.
Давать от ворот поворот
[davat` ot vorot povorot]
- to let somebody go whistle
What it means:
to refuse, to say “no”, to disallow.
Давать пищу сплетням
[davat` pishhu spletnyam]
- to feed rumours
What it means:
to provoke rumors, gossips.
Давать себе волю
[davat` sebe volyu]
- to let oneself go
What it means:
to make free with actions or words, to stop to control oneself.
Давать тягу
[davat` tyagu]
- to give somebody the slip
What it means:
to run away in a rush, to disappear, to scarper.
Далеко не так
[daleko ne tak]
- far from it
What it means:
far otherwise, elsewise, differently.
Далеко пойти
[daleko pojti]
- to go a long way
What it means:
to raise oneself the crowd, to achieve success, to gain high status, position.