Работать до седьмого пота
[rabotat` do sed`mogo pota]
- to give somebody a wet shirt
What it means:
to work hard, to work much, to slave, to work to the point of exhaustion, to the extreme tiredness, without let-up.
Работать как ломовая лошадь
[rabotat` kak lomovaya loshad`]
- to work like a beave
What it means:
to work hard, to work much, to slave, to work to the point of exhaustion.
Ради Бога!
[radi boga!]
- for Christ's sake
What it means:
I beg, please, I cry for. An outdated interjection.
Разбивать сердце
[razbivat` serdtse]
- to broke one's heart
What it means:
to deny someone’s love, not to love someone back, to desolate, to cheat on somebody.
Разбить лед
[razbit` led]
- to get things moving
What it means:
to make relations warmer, to make away with tension in relationship, to make relationship more benevolent.
Разбить наголову
[razbit` nagolovu]
- to cut to bits
What it means:
to smash totally, completely, to defeat somebody with great advantage.
Размять ноги
[razmyat` nogi]
- to stretch one's legs
What it means:
to move, to walk, to do some exercises, to limber up, to train, to take a stroll.
Разносить в пух и прах
[raznosit` v pukh i prakh]
- to blow sky-high
What it means:
to destroy, to ruin totally.
Рай земной
[raj zemnoj]
- heaven on earth
What it means:
a pleasant place, a beautiful area, carefree and happy life.
Ранняя пташка
[rannyaya ptashka]
- an early bird
What it means:
a person, who wakes up early and sets to work actively.