За деревьями леса не видеть
[za derev`yami lesa ne videt`]
- not to see the wood for the trees
What it means:
not to notice the most important because of the great number of details, not to see the main, paying attention to trifles.
За здорово живёшь
[za zdorovo zhivyosh`]
- without rhyme or reason
What it means:
An expression is used when somebody gives away something valuable or expensive for nothing, free of charge.
За плечами
[za plechami]
- under one's belt
What it means:
in the past (it is told about life experience).
За решеткой
[za reshetkoj]
- behind bars
What it means:
to be in prison, in custody, to be locked up.
За спиной
[za spinoj]
- behind somebody's back
What it means:
behind oneself, beyond oneself.
Забот полон рот
[zabot polon rot]
- to have one's hands full
What it means:
to be very busy, to have a lot f problems, to have absolutely no free time.
Заводить волынку
[zavodit` volynku]
- to harp on one string
What it means:
to play for time, to drag it out, to linger, to hold forth.
Заговаривать зубы
[zagovarivat` zuby]
- to lead a sweet-talk
What it means:
to confuse, to draw away from an important topic of conversation purposely, to distract a conversation.
Загонять в угол
[zagonyat` v ugol]
- to set at bay
What it means:
to nonplus somebody, to put somebody in hopeless situation, to make unbearable conditions for somebody’s further actions.
Задавать головомойку
[zadavat` golovomojku]
- to call somebody over the coals
What it means:
to rail, to scold, to shame.