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Russian speech

Every language has its own characteristic intonation and pronunciation. Briefly, it consists of two main parts:
  1. how we speak (pace, volume, pronunciation, gestures)
  2. what we speak (using our vocabulary)
An interesting point is that we primarily pay attention to the conversation style, in dialogue with the foreigner,speaking our native language, and only then hear their errors.

What do you think what foreigner Russian will understand quicker?
- who speaks with a Russian accent and intonation, but with errors?
- or who uses a competent Russian language preserving intonation and pronunciation of their native language?

Of course, the first option! Why is like this? Because the human’s speech channel of perception develops before the other. Being kids and not being able to talk, we still understand the speaker. Starting to develop speech, we speakwith mistakes with our peers in the kindergarten, on the playground, but they understand us and we understandthem.

Coming to another country, we memorize the conversation style speakers. Hearing this speech elsewhere, for example, in another country or at home, we, without knowing vocabulary, can guess where this man is from.


1. Starting to learn the Russian language, be sure to spend time for practicing intonation. Listen to the melody of the Russian speech Audio materials will help you in such practice. Start from listening to simple phrases, after that complicate level. There are many podcasts in the internet where one phrase is recorded with a different speed (slow pace – middle pace – native speaker level). Try this option. Your task is to listen andrepeat.

By one intonation, we, Russians, can transform an affirmative sentence into interrogative one, not even changing the order of words in a sentence. For example:
Мы собираемся в отпуск в Сочи. [My sabiráyimsya v ótpusk v Sóchi]. -We are going on vacation to Sochi.
Мы собираемся в отпуск в Сочи? [My sabiráyimsya v ótpusk v Sóchi?]. – Are we going on vacation to Sochi?


2. When you find suitable for your purposes audio, try to work on the production of the sounds of the Russian language in parallel with intonation. Recommendations are the same for you as with intonation.

Would you like to have your lessons easy and funny? Then add a mirror. Look at yourself at the moment Russian repetition of sounds and intonation. Won’t be boring exactly


3. Here is important to mention other parts of a Russian speech such are gestures, emotions when talking with someone.
Find video – movies, records from live concerts, TV. What is the difference between body language of Russian at the moment of speaking and a representatives of other nationalities? We gesture, reduce the distance with the person while talking, speak loudly, emotionally, etc. Other you’ll understand by yourself


4. All previous recommendations you should better to use in your speech with real people for whom your learning language is native. Theory does not work without practice. At the same time, you can ask Russian friends questions, that you have.

P.S.: This is in the case, if you decide to learn the language on your own, without a teacher

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