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Derivative prepositions and adverbs

The foreigners, who learn the Russian language, as well as Russian-speaking people, have the same difficulty in the spelling of derivative prepositions and adverbs because the structures "derivative preposition" and "preposition + noun" sound in a similar way but we often write them differently. Figuratively, we divide such prepositions and adverbs into several groups, so let's look at them with some typical examples:

It should be immediately noted that if a noun with preposition is in accusative case, it would have the same ending. The prepositional case changes the ending of a noun, that's why we consider the structure "preposition + noun" in this case.

1. В продолжение, в течение, в отличие [f pradalzheniye, f tichenii, v atlichii] - during, in the course of, unlike
The derivative prepositions of this group are always ended with "E" [e].
Preposition + noun in prepositional case is always ended with "И" [i].
В продолжение встречи мы обсудили вопросы нашего сотрудничества - We have discussed a lot of issues of our cooperation during the meeting.
В продолжении книги нас ждал необычный поворот сюжета - There was an unusual turn of events in the continuation of the book.

2. Вследствие / в следствии [fsletstvie/ f sletstvii] - because of / in investigation
We write the derivative preposition "вследствие" in one word; preposition with noun - in two.
Вследствие пробок на дорогах он опоздал на встречу - He was late for the meeting because of the jam of traffic.
В следствии было много загадок. (Имеется в виду расследование преступления) - There were a lot of mysteries in the investigation (i.e. crime investigation).

3. Ввиду / в виду [vvidu / v vidu] - considering / mean
We write the derivative preposition in one word, too; preposition with noun - in two.
Ввиду плохой погоды решили отменить рейс - It was decided to cancel the flight considering bad weather.
Говоря сегодня об экологии, мы имеем в виду загрязнение окружающей среды - Talking about ecology today, we mean the environment pollution .

4. Впоследствии - [fpasletstvii] - afterwards
This adverb is always written in one word.

5. В связи / в отношении / по мере [f svyazi / v atnashenii / pa mere] - becaue of (due to) / as for / within
We always write them separately.
В связи с нарушениями на производстве, предприятие закрыли - The company was shut down due to disruptions in production.
В отношении Василия можно сказать, что он надежный друг - As for Vasiliy, one can say he is a thick-and-thin friend.
По мере приближения к городу, все чаще стали попадаться высокие дома - Within the approaching to the city, we saw high buildings more often.

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