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Basic verbs of motion formed with the help of prefixes

Hello, dear student! Today we are going to analyze verbs of motion which are formed through adding different prefixes. Actually, they have similar meaning - motion - nevertheless, it differs in texts and speech very much, so you should know when and how to use this or that verb. For a start, let's analyze the most basic verbs formed with different prefixes:

Ехать [yekhat'] - выезжать [vyizhat'], приезжать [priizhat'], доехать [dayekhat'], уехать [uyekhat'], переехать [periyekhat'], проехать [prayekhat'], заехать [zayekhat'], объехать [ab'yekhat']

Идти [iti] - уйти [uyti], войти [vayti], прийти [priyti], подойти [padayti], перейти [periyiti], пройти [prayti], зайти [zayti], обойти [abayti]

Бежать [bizhat'] - добежать [dabizhat'], прибежать [pribizhat'], перебежать [peribizhat'], забежать [zabizhat']

The basic verbs are highlighted, the following are derivative ones, i.e. verbs which have prefixes. Let's find out the meaning of every verb:

Выезжать (to leave) - to leave some place. This verb is usually used with adverb or time that shows when a person has left any place:

Выехал очень рано [Vyekhal ochin' rana] - Left quite early

Приезжать (to come) - to go somewhere. It is a verb that has the opposite meaning to "выехать". It is also used with adverbs and time but shows that a person has reached some goal or place:

Я приехал домой утром [Ya priekhal damoj utram] - I came home in the morning

Доехать (to reach) - to reach some place, e.g. when a person goes for a long time and, finally, he's at home:

Мы доехали домой в 5 утра [My daekhali damoj f pyat' utra] - We riched home at 5 o'clock in the morning

Уехать (to go away) - to leave some place:

Он уехал в мае [On uekhal v mae] He went away in May

Переехать (to cross) - the verb shows that the action was directed to something, that someone crossed something/some surface:

Они переехали реку [Ani pereekhali reku] - They crossed through the river

The verb проехать (to pass) means the action when someone passes any object. For example, I'm heading down a road and there is a house on the left or right from me. I have not stopped and headed further, and then I've left the house far behind, I can definitely say that I've passed it:

Мы проехали такой большой сад, а могли бы остановиться и покушать фруктов [My praekhali takoj bal'shoi sad, a magli by astanavitsya i pakushat' fruktaf] - We passed such a big garden, but we could stop there and try some fruits in this garden.

Заехать (to stop in/visit) - this verb means such movement as when we are going to some place and suddenly there is, for example, a forest in front of us. We decide to go through this forest, to stop in it.

Ребята заехали в гости к Маше, пока ехали в Москву [Ribyata zaekhali f gosti k Mashe, paka ekhali f Maskvu] - The guys decided to visit Masha on their way to Moscow.

Объехать (to drive around) - this verb shows us that movement is directed by something. For example, we drive a car and suddenly there is a tree on the road just in front of us. We decide to drive around it, i.e. we decide to take the side, on the left or right from the tree:

Объезжайте эту дорогу, она опасная! [Ob''ezhajte ekhtu darogu, ana apasnaya] - Drive around this road, it is dangerous.

Уйти [to leave] - means to leave some place or someone not by means of transport but on foot:

Я ушёл от Антона вечером [Ya ushyol at Antona vecheram] - I left Anton in the evening

Войти (to enter) - this verb means direction towards the object and we go somewhere or to same place on foot again:

Собака вошла в будку [Sabaka vashla f budku] The dog has got in its booth

Прийти (to come/to visit) - is the action directed towards someone again. This verb is often combined with the phrase "в гости":

Приходить в гости по утрам не очень вежливо [Prikhadit' f gosti pa utram ni ochen' vezhliva] - It is not polite to visit someone in the morning.

Подойти (to come) - we use in our speech, when we want to say that someone or something is coming closer on foot, too:

Мне придется подойти ближе, чтобы рассмотреть этот рисунок [Mne pridyotsya padajti blizhe, shtoby rasmatret' ekhtat risunak] - I need to come closer just to look at the picture clearly.

Перейти (to cross) - you can do it on foot, e.g. cross the street. I'm going and going and suddenly there is a road, so I decide to cross it on my foot:

Переходить улицу на красный свет - опасно! [Pirikhadit' ulitsu na krasnyj sfet- apasna!] - It's dangerous to cross the road on red traffic light

Пройти (to pass by) - this verb has the same meaning as the above mentioned verb "проехать":

Невозможно пройти мимо этого цветка [Nevazmozhna prajti mima ekhtava tsvetka] - It is impossible to pass this flower by.

Зайти (to visit) - the same meaning as with the verb "заехать", but we can "зайти" only on foot again:

Мне надо зайти к доктору на прием [Mne nada zajti k doktaru na priyom] - I need to visit a doctor

Обойти (to bypass) - is the same as the verb "объехать". The only difference is that we bypass on foot:

Лучше обойди это дерево [Luchshe abajdi ekhta dereva] - It's better to bypass this tree

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