In the article "Declension of simple and complex numerals " we have talked about the concept of a numeral and its types. The declension of compound numerals is presented in a separate topic because it requires practice despite of a simple rule of declension.
Not every Russian-speaking person can fluently decline compound numerals. To do it correctly, you should know the declension rules of simple and complex numerals, know exceptions and use them instinctively. If operations with numbers are part of your study or job, it will be useful for you to practise the declension rules of compound numerals.
Well, we decline all parts of the compound cardinal numerals. It means that declining it in cases, you should decline every stem as simple or complex numeral (depending on what number it is).
Let's decline three numbers.
1. Триста семьдесят три (375) - three hundred seventy five. As we see, the word "триста" is a complex numeral with two stems "три" and "сто", which are written in one word. Declining this word, we should decline both stems. The word "три" is declined in a certain way (see the article on declension of simple and complex numerals). Let's follow these rules:
Nom. Триста семьдесят три [trista sem'disyat tri] Gen. Трёхсот семидесяти трёх [tryokhsot semidisiti tryokh] Dat. Трёмстам семидесяти трём [tryomstam simidisiti tryom] Acc. Триста семьдесят три [trista sem'disyat tri] Inst. Тремястами семьюдесятью тремя [tryomyastami sem'yudisit'yu tryomya] Prep. Трёхстах семидесяти трёх [tryokhstakh simidisiti tryokh]
2. Сто двадцать восемь (128) - one hundred twenty eight The word "сто" is declined according to a certain rule; this numeral has only two forms (сто and ста). The word "двадцать" is declined as a complex numeral, i.e. we should decline both stems; the word "восемь" is declined as a feminine noun with the ending "Ь".
Nom. Сто двадцать восемь [sto dvatsat' vosim'] Gen. Ста двадцати восьми [sta dvatsati vas'mi] Dat. Ста двадцати восьми [sta dvadtsati vas'mi] Acc. Сто двадцать восемь [sto dvatsat' vosim'] Inst. Ста двадцатью восемью [sta dvatsat'yu vas'm'yu] Prep. Ста двадцати восьми [sta dvatsati vas'mi]
3. Восемьсот сорок один (841) - eight hundred forty one. The word "восемьсот" is declined as a complex numera; (decline both stems), remember that the word "сорок" has only two forms (сорок and сорока), the word "один" is declined as a simple numeral. Nom. Восемьсот сорок один [vasimsot sorak adin] Gen. Восьмисот сорока одного [vas'misot saraka adnavo] Dat. Восьмистам сорока одному [vas'mistam saraka adnamu] Acc. Восемьсот сорок один [vasimsot sorak adin] Inst. Восемьюстами сорока одним [vasem'yustami saraka adnim] Prep. Восьмистах сорока одном [vas'mistakh saraka adnom]