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Features of adjectives derived from a person's name

Hello, dear student! Today we will talk about adjectives and adverbs derived from different names in the Russian language. Many foreigners and students get confused with this topic - they cannot understand what their interlocutor means.

We have discussed the definition of a suffix in the previous articles - it's usually written before ending and it helps us to form these adjectives and adverbs. And certainly, the meaning of a word also helps a suffix.

It's necessary to mention, that such adjectives are written with a capital letter, if they denote any belonging to a certain person, for example:

Сонина тарелка [Sonina tarelka] - Sonya's plate

Those adjectives, which don't denote the belonging to a certain person, are written with a small letter as any other adjectives, for example:

солнечные лучи [solnichnye luchi] - Sun rays

But be careful with such example as:

Это синее небо напомнило мне Анютины глазки [Ekhta neba napomnila mne Anyutiny glazki] - This blue sky reminded me Ann's eyes


Я встретил анютины глазки в этом лесу [Ya fstretil anyutiny glazki f ekhtam lisu] - I've met pansies in this forest

In the first example we speak about a girl's eyes, whose name is Anna, in the second - about flowers' name.

We write with a small letter those adjectives that have the suffix -ск, for example:

капитанская дочка [kapitanskaya dochka] - Captain's daughter

But if something was named in honor of any famous person, we write adjectives with a capital letter, for example:

Ломоносовский проспект [Lamanosafskij praspekt] - Lomonosov avenue

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