So how to pronounce the letter Ё [yo]? At first it is pronounced like the letter Й [y] and then like О [o]. If we smile during the pronunciation of the letter E [ye], here we just stretch our lips for pronouncing Й [y], then make them protruded for O [o]. So in case we understand how to pronounce this letter, how should we read it if it has an informal status? The trouble is that most authors do not think fit to write Ё [yo] because everyone remembers where it sounds. But it is not good for Russian language learners. That is why you should memorize where it sounds to begin with common words like: жёлтый ёж шёл к ёлке [zholtyj yosh shol k yolke] (a yellow hedgehog went to the firtree). Apart from memorizing you should choose the textbook in the Russian language, which has texts with the printed letter Ё [yo]. That will help you to memorize such words without any fears during reading, so you will know whether to choose the letter E [ye] or Ё [yo]. And certainly the most important thing is a practice – speak and speak. You can also ask a teacher for help to make pronunciation an easy task.