Сегодня родился Котельников Глеб Евгеньевич
30 января 1872 года родился Котельников Глеб Евгеньевич. Это изобретатель авиационного ранцевого парашюта. Он родился в семье профессора механики и высшей математики. Его родители увлекались театром, и сын также полюбил театр. С детства он пел, играл на скрипке, а также ему нравилось мастерить разные игрушки и модели. В 1910 году Котельников под впечатлением от гибели лётчика Мациевича занялся разработкой парашюта. Сегодня в Санкт-Петербурге имеется аллея Котельникова.
On January 30, 1872 Kotelnikov Gleb Evgenyevich was born. This is an inventor of an aviation knapsack parachute. He was born in a family of professor of mechanics and higher mathematics. His parents were fond of theater, and son also loved theater. Since the childhood he sang, played a violin, and also he liked to make different toys and models. In 1910 Kotelnikov impressed by the death of the pilot of Matsiyevich was engaged in development of a parachute. Today in St. Petersburg there is a Kotelnikov Avenue.
On January 30, 1872 Kotelnikov Gleb Evgenyevich was born. This is an inventor of an aviation knapsack parachute. He was born in a family of professor of mechanics and higher mathematics. His parents were fond of theater, and son also loved theater. Since the childhood he sang, played a violin, and also he liked to make different toys and models. In 1910 Kotelnikov impressed by the death of the pilot of Matsiyevich was engaged in development of a parachute. Today in St. Petersburg there is a Kotelnikov Avenue.
- parents
- professor
- mathmatcian
- a pilot
- violin
- toy, plaything
- childhood
- theater
- today