Деревянная ёлка
Для украшения своего жилья на Новый Год совсем необязательно использовать традиционную живую елку. Можно сделать декоративную елку своими руками, которая будет оригинальной заменой обычной ёлке. Для создания такой декоративной елки нужны ветки разной длины, которые нужно связать между собой и украсить небольшими яркими игрушками.
For decoration of your house for New Year it is not obligatory to use a traditional live fir-tree. It is possible to make a decorative fir-tree handmade which will be original replacement to a usual fir-tree. For creation of such decorative fir-tree you need branches of different length which sholud be connected among themselves and decorated with small bright toys.
For decoration of your house for New Year it is not obligatory to use a traditional live fir-tree. It is possible to make a decorative fir-tree handmade which will be original replacement to a usual fir-tree. For creation of such decorative fir-tree you need branches of different length which sholud be connected among themselves and decorated with small bright toys.
- it is necessary, one ought
- new
- one can, one may
- between
- to use
- toy, plaything