На планете существует три вида ландышей : Горный ландыш, Майский ландыш и Кейзке. Самым популярным является Майский ландыш. Это небольшой красивый цветок, который растёт в лиственных и сосновых лесах, а также на опушках и полянах. В народной медицине ландыш используется как лекарственное растение.
There are three types of lilies of the valley on the planet: Mountain lily of the valley, May lily of the valley and Keyzke. The most popular is the May lily of the valley. It is a small beautiful flower which grows in the deciduous and pine woods, and also on edges and glades. In traditional medicine the lily of the valley is used as a medical herb.
There are three types of lilies of the valley on the planet: Mountain lily of the valley, May lily of the valley and Keyzke. The most popular is the May lily of the valley. It is a small beautiful flower which grows in the deciduous and pine woods, and also on edges and glades. In traditional medicine the lily of the valley is used as a medical herb.