Сегодня родился Хергиани Михаил Виссарионович
20 марта 1932 года родился Хергиани Михаил Виссарионович. Это знаменитый советский спортсмен, альпинист, семикратный чемпион СССР по альпинизму. За своё умение с невероятной быстротой проходить сложные скальные маршруты он получил прозвище «Тигр скал». Михаил Хергиани погиб при попытке рекордного восхождения на семьсотметровую стену Суальто в итальянских Доломитовых Альпах.
On March 20, 1932 Hergiani Mikhail Vissarionovich was born. This is a famous Soviet athlete, a climber, a seven-time champion of the USSR on mountaineering. For his ability to pass difficult rocky routes with improbable speed he has got the nickname "Tiger of Rocks" from the English climbers. Mikhail Hergiani has died in attempt of record ascension on a seven hundred meter wall of Sualto in the Italian Dolomites.
On March 20, 1932 Hergiani Mikhail Vissarionovich was born. This is a famous Soviet athlete, a climber, a seven-time champion of the USSR on mountaineering. For his ability to pass difficult rocky routes with improbable speed he has got the nickname "Tiger of Rocks" from the English climbers. Mikhail Hergiani has died in attempt of record ascension on a seven hundred meter wall of Sualto in the Italian Dolomites.
- champion
- sportsman
- soviet
- to pass, to go (by)
- route, way
- famous
- difficult, compound, complex
- championship