Байкальская тропа
Большая Байкальская тропа - это проект по созданию системы туристических троп вокруг озера Байкала Планируемая длина этих троп составляет 1800 километров. Идея создания Тропы возникла еще в 1970-х годах. Строительство системы троп началось в 2003 году силами добровольцев из разных стран. Создание не завершено, но уже действуют несколько маршрутов. Тропа соединит три национальных парка и три заповедника. Ежегодно в летнее время на различных участках производятся работы по строительству новых участков проекта.
The big Baikal track is a project on creation of system of tourist tracks round the lake Planned Baikal length of these tracks makes 1800 kilometers. The idea of creation of the Track arose in the 1970th years. Construction of system of tracks began in 2003 by forces of volunteers from the different countries. Constraction isn't complete, but some routes already work. The track will connect three national parks and three reserves. Annually in summertime on various sites some works on construction of new sites of the project are performed.
The big Baikal track is a project on creation of system of tourist tracks round the lake Planned Baikal length of these tracks makes 1800 kilometers. The idea of creation of the Track arose in the 1970th years. Construction of system of tracks began in 2003 by forces of volunteers from the different countries. Constraction isn't complete, but some routes already work. The track will connect three national parks and three reserves. Annually in summertime on various sites some works on construction of new sites of the project are performed.
- builder
- some, several
- the beginning
- kilometer
- time