Сегодня родился Юон Константин Фёдорович
24 октября 1875 года родился Юон Константин Фёдорович. Это русский и советский живописец, мастер пейзажа, театральный художник, теоретик искусства. Юон родился в Москве, в немецкоязычной швейцарской семье. Отец был служащим страховой компании, а затем ее директором, а мать была музыкантом. В 1903 году Юон стал одним из организаторов Союза русских художников. Он также входил в число участников объединения «Мир искусства». Юон работал в области театральной декорации и художественной графики, писал панорамные пейзажи соборов. Он был художником знаменитого мультфильма "Каштанка".
On October 24, 1875 Yuon Konstantin Fyodorovich was born. This is a Russian and a Soviet painter, a master of a landscape, a theatrical artist, a theorist of art. Yuon was born in Moscow, in a German-speaking Swiss family. The father was an employee of an insurance company, and then it's director, and his mother was a musician. In 1903 Yuon became one of organizers of the Union of the Russian artists. He was also among participants of the association "World of Art". Yuon worked in the field of a theatrical scenery and art graphics, wrote panoramic landscapes of cathedrals. He was the artist of the well-known animated film "Kashtanka".
On October 24, 1875 Yuon Konstantin Fyodorovich was born. This is a Russian and a Soviet painter, a master of a landscape, a theatrical artist, a theorist of art. Yuon was born in Moscow, in a German-speaking Swiss family. The father was an employee of an insurance company, and then it's director, and his mother was a musician. In 1903 Yuon became one of organizers of the Union of the Russian artists. He was also among participants of the association "World of Art". Yuon worked in the field of a theatrical scenery and art graphics, wrote panoramic landscapes of cathedrals. He was the artist of the well-known animated film "Kashtanka".
- artist
- cathedral
- cartoon
- musician
- director
- art