Запеченная курица
Курица - одно из самых любимых, простых и недорогих блюд для россиян и жителей других стран. Жареная курица - быстрый и здоровый способ приготовить ужин. Вам просто нужно замариновать вымытую курицу в маринаде из уксуса, лимона, соли и специй приблизительно на 30 минут и запечь ее в духовке до готовности.
Chicken is one of the most favourite, simple and inexpensive dishes for Russians and residents of other countries. Grilled chicken is a quick and healthy way to prepare your dinner. You just need to marinate washed chicken in the marinade from viniger, lemon, salt and spices about 30 minutes and to grill it in an oven till readiness.
Chicken is one of the most favourite, simple and inexpensive dishes for Russians and residents of other countries. Grilled chicken is a quick and healthy way to prepare your dinner. You just need to marinate washed chicken in the marinade from viniger, lemon, salt and spices about 30 minutes and to grill it in an oven till readiness.
- lemon
- hen
- healthy
- fast
- minute
- give a wash
- inhabitant, resident