Русская печь
Русская печь является одним из элементов русских сказаний. В печи готовили и подогревали еду. К тому же, печью отапливали жилье. В некоторых русских селах до сих пор есть русские печи. В печи выпекали хлеб. Русская печь часто фигурирует в русских народных сказках.
Russian oven is one of elements of Russian legends. Food was cooked and warmed up in the oven. Morover the oven heated house. There are still Russian ovens in some russian villages. Bread was baked in the oven. The Russian oven often appears in the Russian national fairy tales.
Russian oven is one of elements of Russian legends. Food was cooked and warmed up in the oven. Morover the oven heated house. There are still Russian ovens in some russian villages. Bread was baked in the oven. The Russian oven often appears in the Russian national fairy tales.