Западно-Сибирский металлургический комбинат
Западно-Сибирский металлургический комбинат находится в городе Новокузнецке в Кемеровской области (Россия). Это один из крупных металлургических комбинатов СНГ, пятый по величине металлургический комбинат в России. Он был основан 27 июля 1964 года. Комбинат одним из первых в России внедрил передовую технологию в доменном процессе. Основная специализация комбината - производство длинного проката, преимущественно для строительной отрасли.
The West-Siberian Metallurgical Plant is situated in the city of Novokuznetsk in the Kemerovo region (Russia). It is one of large iron and steel works plants of the CIS, the fifth in Russia. It was created on July 27, 1964. The plant was one of the first in Russia which introduced advanced technology in blast-furnace process. The main specialization of the plant is - production of long hire, mainly for construction branch.
The West-Siberian Metallurgical Plant is situated in the city of Novokuznetsk in the Kemerovo region (Russia). It is one of large iron and steel works plants of the CIS, the fifth in Russia. It was created on July 27, 1964. The plant was one of the first in Russia which introduced advanced technology in blast-furnace process. The main specialization of the plant is - production of long hire, mainly for construction branch.
- fifth
- city (noun, m.)
- building
- long