Лев альбинос
Белые львы уникальны окрасом своей шерсти. Львы альбиносы в основном встречаются в Южной Африке. Этот вид львов был открыт всего один век тому назад. Как и у других животных-альбиносов, их кожа не вырабатывает меланин, однако их глаза карие, как глаза обычных львов. Иногда у них голубые глаза.
White lions are unique by color of the wool. Lions albinos are generally met in South Africa. This species of lions was discovered only one century ago. As well as other animals albinos, their skin doesn't produce melanin, however their eyes remain brown, as eyes of ordinary lions. Sometimes they have got blue eyes.
White lions are unique by color of the wool. Lions albinos are generally met in South Africa. This species of lions was discovered only one century ago. As well as other animals albinos, their skin doesn't produce melanin, however their eyes remain brown, as eyes of ordinary lions. Sometimes they have got blue eyes.
- eyes
- unique
- animal