Озеро Морской Глаз
Озеро Морской Глаз расположено в республике Марий Эл (Россия) вблизи деревни Шарибоксад Волжского района. Озеро образовалось в результате карстового провала 20 тысяч лет тому назад. Оно интересно своим местоположением на склоне горы, большой глубиной при небольших размерах и необычным зелёным цветом воды. Происхождение озеро связано с подземными пустотами.
Lake "Sea Eye" is located in the Republic of Mari El (Russia) near the village of Shariboksad of the Volga area. The lake was formed as a result of a karst fracture 20 thousand years ago. It is interesting by the location on a mountain slope, a deep water at the small sizes and unusual green color of water. The origin of the lake is connected with underground emptiness.
Lake "Sea Eye" is located in the Republic of Mari El (Russia) near the village of Shariboksad of the Volga area. The lake was formed as a result of a karst fracture 20 thousand years ago. It is interesting by the location on a mountain slope, a deep water at the small sizes and unusual green color of water. The origin of the lake is connected with underground emptiness.
- Russia
- result
- region
- size, dimention
- lake
- sea, marine
- interesting, interestingly
- big (adj, m.)
- green (adj.)
- countryside, village